Eric J. Kringle

State Co-Coordinator

Director of Bands

Hayward Senior High School

Hayward, WI

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Eric Kringle is the Director of Bands at Hayward High School in Hayward, Wisconsin. In his 26th year of teaching, he has served numerous school districts where his ensembles have received top marks. Mr. Kringle directs the school district’s concert band, jazz band, marching band and teaches private lessons.

Mr. Kringle is involved with numerous community ensembles, having played trombone in The Dean’s List Big Band Jazz Orchestra, the Red Cedar Symphony Orchestra, the Northwoods British Brass Band, and other ensembles. Also a vocalist, Mr. Kringle is a member of the outreach ensemble “Ave Generosa,” singing first tenor, arranging and transcribing literature and composing music for the ensemble.

Mr. Kringle began working with the Wisconsin Ambassadors of Music in 2006 as the trombone coach, and as the trombonist for the staff brass quintet, and became one of Wisconsin's State Coordinators in 2021.

Mr. Kringle earned his Bachelor’s of Music Education Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Superior in 1998, and his Masters of Education Degree from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse in 2005.

When not otherwise engaged, Mr. Kringle enjoys spending time with his two sons, Kyle and Matthew.